About me

  • I am American, Canadian, and Romanian

  • I can speak English and Romanian

  • I’ve traveled to Germany, France, Spain, Romania, Italy, England, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Mexico, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Iceland, Liechtenstein, USA and Canada

  • I love math, music, space, art, AI, sports, and minecraft

  • I played in an international soccer tourney in Sweden (Gothia Cup 2017)

  • I was a ball boy for Chelsea vs. PSG in 2012 (and met my favorite players!)

  • I’m a Co-Founder of HASToday Nonprofit Org.

  • My favorite book is The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus

Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Brooklyn stroll

My cousin Andreea, Colin, and I on a walk through Brooklyn after a concert the night before!

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Belleville trip

About ten of us stayed at a farm house with a silo in Belleville over reading week. It was surprisingly warm that weekend and we enjoyed the outdoors!

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Sushi on the patio

My family and I love sushi so much, so we decided to order takeout and eat outside.

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Collier St. Math

One day, my housemates and I carried a large whiteboard all the way from downtown Toronto up to our house on Collier Street and put it in our basement. We would often come down after breakfast and work there all day, writing our draft solutions on the board and discussing.

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Myrtle Beach, SC

Family trip to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina, so relaxing! This is Mark and I at a restaurant near the beach :)

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Mt. Evans, Colorado

My friends and I drove up to the top of Mt. Evans in Colorado and found some billygoats and marmots along the way. Great time!

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

The three Olivers

We are the cyclic group of order 3; the three Olivers in math, notoriously known for erasing important work on chalkboards.

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Quad hangout

This is me, looking into my friend Kieran’s room, before climbing in and hanging out. We would often play hackysack in the quad and talk to other students in our free time.

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Math research

Long day of work at the math center, really enjoying quantum field theory and symplectic geometry! Trying to organize my thoughts and practice presenting some of my research to my friends.

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Outdoors Society trip

My friends and I joined the Trinity College Outdoors Society on a trip to High Park. We hiked through the forest and stopped to eat timbits by the lake. A hawk swooped over us and patiently waited on a nearby tree for a crying squirrel trapped in the center of the field — natural selection, I suppose.

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Nature walk

My dear friend, Angad, and I took a little trip to High Park one afternoon to escape the city life for a few hours. Nature is beautiful and I loved the philosophical talks him and I would usually have on our walks. It’s truly humbling to meet people like him.

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac


My mom signed me, my dad, and her up for a painting session in the Forrestal Village. We all painted so well for the first time — beginner’s luck I guess!

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Melo the man

My friends and I got a bunny named Melo from Montreal! Unfortunately, after we taught him Stokes’ theorem he went feral and ran away to learn integration of k-forms. We loved him. He was potty-trained at birth, somehow, and he only liked us when we fed him bananas.

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Colorado Mountains

My friend Mayur and I on top of a 14000 ft mountain in Colorado! What a trip!

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac


One day, three of my friends and I decided to buy 4 skateboards from a doctor off Kijiji. The rest was history.

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Skiing at Mt. Sunapee

This is a picture of my brother and I, skiing from the top of Mount Sunapee. It was freezing cold, but a great time spent in wilderness.

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Thrift Shopping

Skateboarding to the Kensington Market to go thrift shopping with my friends Kieran and Campbell.

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Oliver Chiriac Oliver Chiriac

Hiking in Romania

In the summer of 2019, my family and I took a trip to Romania to visit our relatives and explore the Carpathian mountains. At one point during our hike, we found ourselves in the middle of a giant cloud and could not see! It was so much fun and an all around beautiful experience. Life is so simple up there. Sometimes I wish I could live on top of a mountain somewhere in the east and meditate in peace for the rest of my life.

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Here’s a funny video of me talking about fractals: