
Bases, Denseness, & Closure Operators

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Quotient Map, Mobius Band, & Klein Bottle

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Countability, Hausdorff, & Open Covers

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Homotopy Theory & Fundamental Groups

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Product, Subspace, & Zariski Topologies

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Covering, Monodromy, & Conjugacy Class

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Abstract Algebra

Cosets, Normal Subgroups, Lagrange’s Theorem

Isomorphism Theorems, Generators, Composition Series

Group Rings, Prime Ideals, Maximal Ideals

Ring Isomorphisms, Principal Ideal Domains, Irreducibles

Fractals, Dynamics, & Chaos Theory

Newton’s Method & Box-Counting Dimension

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Markov Chains, Stochastic Matrices, & Distributions

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Vector Field Dynamics & Periodic Orbits

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Graph Theory, Conjugacies, & Chaotic Maps

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Real Analysis


Measure Spaces

Premeasures & Extensions

Lebesgue Measure

Complex Analysis

Mobius Transformations, Riemann Sphere, Rational Functions

Holomorphic Functions, Power Series, Radius of Convergence

Riemann Surfaces, Analytic Continuation, Conformal Maps

Meromorphic Functions, Residue Calculus, Harmonic Functions

Functional Analysis

Index Theory, Fredholm Operators, & K-Theory

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Toeplitz Matrices, Symbol, & Winding Number

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Hilbert Spaces, Unitary Mappings, & Fourier Series

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Toeplitz C*-Algebra, Atkinson's Theorem

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K-Theory & C*-Algebras

Uniqueness of Norm, Hilbert spaces

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Projections & *-Homomorphisms

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K0 Group of Compact Operators

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Riemannian Geometry

Riemannian Metrics, Connections

Geodesics, Convex Neighborhoods

Sectional Curvature, Jacobi Fields

Conjugate Points, Hopf-Rinow

Symplectic Geometry & Lie Theory

I learned topics in symplectic geometry and Lie theory to prove certain results of a 2-dimensional topological quantum field theory.